‘ବଏକଟ ଇଣ୍ଡିଆନ ପ୍ରଡକ୍ଟ’ର ନାରା ଲାଗାଉଥିବା ପାକିସ୍ତାନୀଙ୍କୁ ଉଚିତ ଜବାବ୍ ଦେଲେ ଭାରତୀୟ
ଧାରା ୩୭୦ ଉଚ୍ଛେଦ ପରେ ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଭାରତ ଏବଂ ପାକିସ୍ତାନର ସମ୍ପର୍କରେ ତିକ୍ତତା ଦେଖାଦେଇଥିବାବେଳେ ବୁଧବାର ଦିନ ପାକିସ୍ତାନୀ ଜନସାଧାରଣଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରେ (#BoycottIndianProducts ) ଭାରତୀୟ ଉତ୍ପାଦ ବନ୍ଦର ଏକ ନାରା ସୋସିଆଲ ମିଡିଆରେ ଦେଖିବାକୁ ମିଳିଛି । ପାକିସ୍ତାନୀ ଜନସାଧାରଣଙ୍କ ଏହି ନାରା ସୋସିଆଲ ମିଡିଆରେ ଭାଇରାଲ ହେବା ପରେ ଭାରତୀୟ ମାନେ ଠିକ ସମାନ ତଙ୍ଗରେ ଏହାର ଉଚିତ ଜବାବ ଦେଇଛନ୍ତି । ତେବେ ସୋସିଆଲ ମିଡିଆରେ ପାକିସ୍ତାନୀଙ୍କୁ ଉଚିତ ଜବାବ ଦେଇଥିବା ଭାରତୀୟଙ୍କର କିଛି ଝଲକ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ
If you really want to boycott INDIAN Products, first boycott WATER which comes from INDIA…#BoycottIndianProducts pic.twitter.com/ESLQelRcxg
— Anil Patil 🇮🇳 (@beingani10) August 28, 2019
Our Pakistani brothers are trending #BoycottIndianProducts 😅🤣?!
Dear #Pakistan , your water comes from #India too.. going to stop drinking water?
— Madan Gowri (@madan3) August 28, 2019
Please boycott Kashmir it's a part of India#BoycottIndianProducts
— IG | Kimchi_sonyeondamn07 (@Call_Me_ArmyOT7) August 28, 2019
#BoycottIndianProducts pic.twitter.com/SXsE4LhKDy
— JSK (@saikiran6966) August 28, 2019
If you really want to boycott INDIAN Products, first boycott WATER which comes from INDIA…#BoycottIndianProducts pic.twitter.com/FTCGgMmh3S
— Ashish Bhalla (@BhallaAashish) August 28, 2019
Hey Markhors. Stop drinking my Mootra#BoycottIndianProducts pic.twitter.com/mzEWqJvAaG
— Bravo (@Bravoooooooooo_) August 28, 2019
Pakistan itself a Indian product,we boycotted Pakistan many years ago. #BoycottIndianProducts pic.twitter.com/W9hCbPnCHB
— Madhusudhan j (@Madhusudhanj16) August 28, 2019
Boycott Indian brands for their atrocities in Kashmir pic.twitter.com/bZ0CPjmc8I— Muhammad Israil Marwat🇵🇰 (@Muhamma93422204) August 28, 2019
#BoycottIndianProducts Indians Right Now👇👇 pic.twitter.com/Rv72jCEvzB
— Gokul Yeul (@gokul_yeul) August 28, 2019
Dear Pakistan – if you really want to #BoycottIndianProducts , here are the things you should bycott
1. Water
2. Number System
3. Algebra
4. Urdu (originated from Agra)
5. Your pics of forefathers (they are born Indian)
6. Our Land -Kashmir & POK
😄😄#POkHumarahai #PakPoKPanic— Nishith Pathak (@nispathak) August 28, 2019
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